How to Fight Stress With Deep Breathing

How to Fight Stress With Deep Breathing

Deep breathing combined with visualization is the most convenient and fastest way to stress relief anytime, anywhere.


Close your eyes. Envision a clear sky, a distant horizon, or anything that contains no indication of movement. The image in your mind should not lead to any other thoughts or images.


Breathe in deeply and slowly through the nose, counting to six and then holding.


As you hold that breath, imagine the toxins in your body, the stress from your day, and the negative energy within building up in your lungs. You will actually begin to feel a pressure building that you will learn to equate to those negative feelings. Hold your breath for as long as is comfortably possible.


Release that energy slowly as you exhale. Count to six again (or more) and let that exhale last as long as possible. Only allow your mouth to open slightly during this process.

Tips & Warnings

Repeat this process several times. The more you practice, the greater the benefit you'll recieve.

As you learn how to use the deep breathing relaxation technique, don't be afraid to tweak your method until it is right for you.

Use the visualization techniques! They are added for a reason!

Consult with a doctor before using this relaxation technique if you have asthma, bronchitis, or any pre-existing respiratory problems.

How to Fight Fatigue

How to Fight Fatigue

Hectic schedules and being on the go with family can exhaust the hardiest individuals. There are little things you can do throughout the day to boost your energy levels and fight fatigue.


Eat something for breakfast. It will take your body out of the fasting mode and give you a boost of energy to kick start your day.


Every hour or so, stand up and stretch. Walk around for a few minutes. It not only gets the blood flowing again, it breaks the monotony of the day.


Eat foods high in protein, as a snack or for lunch. Your body uses protein as fuel for the muscles. It also energizes transmitters in the brain that work to keep you alert.


Avoid foods that contain tryptophan. It can be found in turkey, potatoes and rice. Tryptophan causes a release in serotonin in the brain, which has a calming effect.


Smells can be stimulating as well.
, lemon, and
all have energizing effects. Peppermint is also stimulating.


Listen to upbeat music. Create an "energy" CD that you can listen to while you're driving or working.


Surround yourself with bright colors. Orange, yellows and pinks are stimulating, while
, blues and purples are relaxing.

Tips & Warnings

Stay away from caffeine. It will give you a short term boost, but it won't last and you'll have to consume more to keep the boost going.

Do not rely on diet pills or other stimulants. That's dangerous and is very unhealthy.

If you are constantly feeling fatigued and nothing boosts your energy, see your physician. It could be a thyroid problem or a chronic infection. Get it checked out.

How to Fight Cancer With Antioxidant Foods

How to Fight Cancer With Antioxidant Foods

It's no secret that the nutrients in many fruits and vegetables have been found to fight cancer by preserving healthy cells. Some foods keep cancer from taking hold, while others help the body to defy deadly carcinogens. No single food can guarantee that you'll never get cancer, but some simple changes in your diet can reduce your risk of getting cancer--and keep you healthier longer.


Make sure your diet is high-fiber, low-fat and rich in antioxidants by eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially strawberries and spinach. Fruits and vegetables in your diet help to reduce your chances of getting gastrointestinal or respiratory-tract cancers.


Follow the suggested number of servings from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's food pyramid to get the proper amount of daily nutrients. Note that the USDA also recommends a fiber intake of 20 to 30 grams per day.


Limit the amount of fatty meats you eat. A diet high in fat has been linked to colo-rectal and prostate cancers. Saturated fat (prevalent in red meats) may raise your risk factor not only for cancer but also for heart disease.


Consume soy and other beans to reduce your risk of colon cancer. These also increase your fiber intake.


Season your meals with garlic and onions, which are rich in antioxidant oils and interfere with certain cancer-causing enzymes.


Drink black and green teas daily for their antioxidant properties. These tea varieties thin the blood and act as anti-cancer agents.

How to Relieve Pain With Hypnosis

How to Relieve Pain With Hypnosis

Pain signals the mind that something is wrong with the body. However, sometimes the source of the pain cannot be relieved, which can be debilitating. While there are many medications available for chronic pain, conscientious Americans might chose alternative therapies. Fortunately, you can relieve the pain with hypnosis.


Open your mind to the idea of hypnosis; it is an approved technique by the AMA. You will use visualization, relaxation and imagery technique to master pain management.


Select a qualified therapist to treat you. Even though reputable organization, like the AMA, recognize hypnosis, you will need to find a therapist you trust and are comfortable working with.


Make your appointments with the practitioner a priority. He or she cannot help you if you do not go. Schedule at least an hour each week for therapy. The times may vary depending on your need.


Meditate on the images your practitioner recommends. You might be asked to focus on certain colors or object. You will try to replace the pain with mental images that help you block the perception of the pain. This is key because the pain is still there, you are just unable to feel it.


Learn these technique so you can use them on your own. Depending on the cause of your pain, you might need to use hypnosis at times you cannot see your practitioner. Many cancer patients have been known to use hypnotherapy prior to chemotherapy treatments. Learn the methods, so you can use them when you need them most.

Tips & Warnings

Only see a hypnotherapist for pain if you have already established that the reason for your pain is incurable. Persistent pain is a sign of a problem, so seek medical attention if the pain does not decrease.

How to Relieve Chronic Pain With Feldenkrais

How to Relieve Chronic Pain With Feldenkrais

The Feldenkrais Method offers simple and effective ways for people of all ages and abilities to enhance movement and to relieve chronic pain. You can improve your coordination, flexibility, balance and breathing, reduce stiffness and pain and go about your daily life with more capability and ease.


Find a qualified and compassionate therapist. Your Feldenkrais sessions should take place in a calm and comfortable environment, with someone you trust. Each session should be custom tailored to you and your needs. You should be guided through the session verbally and with a gentle touch, and your therapy should never be uncomfortable.


Forget the 'no pain, no gain' attitude, and begin to be more comfortable in your body. The Feldenkrais Method calms the nervous system and relieves excessive physical tension and pain. During your therapy, you should feel relaxed, and stress free.


Focus on improving movement and not on your pain. Your sessions should not be centered on your chronic pain, as thoughts and frustrations about your pain can make the problem worse. Instead, focus on your posture, body movement and your daily habits. By learning how to move properly, you will relieve your pain.


Consider complimenting your therapy with chiropractic sessions or massage, to help adjust bones and reeducate muscles, while you are identifying and practicing new body movement.


Enjoy the relief of your pain, as soon as the first session. The great thing about the Feldenkrais Method is that it does not require weeks or months to yield results.

How to Relieve Chronic Pain Naturally

How to Relieve Chronic Pain Naturally

Chronic pain, whatever the cause, can be a debilitating condition that prohibits enjoyment of daily life. Health conscious Americans may seek alternatives to expensive, addictive pain management medication. Fortunately, there are options available that can be used to manage the pain naturally.


Use visualization or imagery to manage the pain naturally. You may want to read about different types of imagery and how to master pain management through them. An easy meditation is to imagine the pain symbolized by an object like a knife or a rock and then visualize the object being removed and replaced by a color such as a calming blue or a white light. You can also find a professional to guide you through the technique.


Exercise the pain away with yoga and stretching. Even if the pain is not muscular, studies prove that exercise and relaxation inducing yoga or stretching stimulate healing endorphins in the body. Be careful not to overdue it at first. You can find a class, CD or book to easily start at a comfortable pace.


Try acupuncture or acupressure. This is especially effective for back pain, fibromyalgia or arthritic conditions. Eastern based practitioners have administered this technique for centuries to release and balance the energy in the body and release certain hormones that may alleviate pain. You can find a professional in your area for a reasonable price.


Remember to see you doctor if you're pain has not been diagnosed. Chronic pain can be the source of an illness and may need treatment.

How to Relieve Back Pain With Feldenkrais

How to Relieve Back Pain With Feldenkrais

Feldenkrais can help you relieve back pain, by teaching you correct body movement and its effects on the body. Taking part in Feldenkrais therapy will help you learn how your body should move and which movements are healthy and will help you to eliminate your back pain. There are many different Feldenkrais movements, but one simple move can relieve your back main almost immediately.


Lie in your bed on your stomach with your legs comfortably apart and your hands, palm down, near your head. Gently lift your head and look forward, holding this position for a few seconds. Lay your head down turning your body to the most comfortable side. Use a small pillow if you are uncomfortable.


Imagine your upper body, from waist to head, as one piece. Slowly slide your upper body in the direction that your nose is pointing, bending sideways from the waist, but not moving your hips and legs. Slide slightly less than possible, and rest in that position for three breaths.


Return to the first position and rest.


Slide backwards in the same way, bending slightly from your waist. Rest there for three breaths.


Move your upper body back to the beginning position and rest again, lying on your stomach. Take a deep breath and lazily lift your head, looking in front of you again. Notice if you feel something different.


Repeat this exercise at least three times, throughout the day.

Tips & Warnings

If any part of this move hurts, stop immediately; it is your body's way of saying that you don't need this particular movement. But, if you discover a step feels good, linger on it a bit longer, as it is your body saying you need this movement and it will relieve your pain the best.

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

Looking for natural ways to lower your blood pressure without taking a bunch of pills? Read on for the top methods of reducing your blood pressure naturally and without medical treatment.

Things You'll Need:

A lot of willpower and a desire to succeed.


Stop Smoking:
We all know the dangerous diseases and cancers smoking can cause. Did you know that smoking also does a lot to raise your blood pressure? Put down the cigarettes and expect to see a much longer life-span with a much lower BP.


Lose Weight:
Being overweight puts you at risk in a lot of ways and has a direct link to high blood pressure. Don't go on any crazy diets in an attempt to lose a lot of weight quickly. Cut a few hundred calories from your daily intake to lose weight and lower your blood pressure naturally and over time.


Lower Your Sodium Intake:
Another quick way to lower your blood pressure is to cut back on your salt intake. Stay away from foods like packaged and/or frozen dinners, and canned soups.


Change Up Your Diet:
Take it easy on the amount of meat you consume. The recommended portion of meat for a meal is about 3 oz. (the size of a deck of cards), which may not seem practical. eat more fruits, vegetables and low/fat-free dairy products. Then commit to having a meal or two a week with no meat whatsoever.


Cut Back On Alcohol:
If you drink every day or nearly every day, limit yourself to just a beer or two. If your drink only once a week, try not to drink yourself silly. The more frequently you drink and the more alcohol you drink when you do can have a powerful impact on your overall blood pressure.


Work Out:
Of all the natural ways you can lower your blood pressure naturally, this takes the most effort. It also has one of the biggest overall impacts on lowering your blood pressure and reducing other heart related diseases. If you don't already work out, please see your physician for the go ahead, then ease yourself into an aerobic workout program.

Tips & Warnings

Go easy with your lifestyle changes. Diving right into a new regimen with intentions to fix the problem overnight can do more harm than good.

The above tips are proven, natural ways to lower your blood pressure and increase your overall health. Still, if you have any special medical needs or have any questions about embarking upon a new program designed to lower your blood pressure naturally or otherwise, you should first consult your physician.

How to Pick Warm Clothing

How to Pick Warm Clothing

When it's cold outside, there's nothing better than wearing soft, warm clothing to make you feel cozy. With the wide selection of high-quality items available today, it's easier than ever to pick warm clothing that will not only protect you from the elements but will also make you look stylish at the same time.

Things You'll Need:

Winter coat










Look for items that will keep you warm both inside and also when you are outdoors.


Dress in layers so you can remove items as needed for different temperatures.


Select fine, flat wools, such as merino or cashmere, that won't be too bulky but will give you extra warmth.


Buy skirts or pants in wool or corduroy to look stylish and also keep your legs warm.


Find heavy leggings that will work under your skirts or pants to add an extra layer of protection from the cold. Ribbed and thicker finishes may also add warmth.


Shop for boots that are lined with fur to keep your toes snug and dry. Check the bottoms for good no-slip rubber soles.


Try on clogs that have fleece or fur inside and thick soles that will give you good traction so you won't slip when it's icy outside.


Opt for wool socks instead of cotton to keep the heat in.


Check coats for tags identifying what level of warmth you can expect from them.


Remember that the thickness of a coat isn't always the only reflection of its warmth. Check labels to see what things are made from. down, cashmere and camel hair are good choices for cold




See how close together the buttons are on coats and


to make sure there aren't big gaps between them that will let cold air in.


Buy lined gloves with fur cuffs.


Look for a wool or fleece hat that is jaunty as well as practical, too.

Tips & Warnings

Remember that a cashmere scarf around your neck will look fashionable and also keep your neck warm at the same time.

Find stylish fur ear muffs if you will be outside much in the cold.

Avoid clothes that are too loose fitting in the winter because they allow room for the cold air to get in.

Pass up clothing or a coat made of leather and suede if you want to wear them outside in wet weather, since they can be ruined easily by rain and snow.

How to Pick Timeless Women's Clothing

How to Pick Timeless Women's Clothing

Everyone develops a fashion style that reflects personal tastes and makes a statement about who we are. Avoid changing your style year to year trying to stay stylish, and save money by investing in a timeless and classic look. Use the tips below to pick clothes that are timeless.


Avoid clothing with prints. Prints change rapidly from season to season. Don't buy flowered dresses, striped skirts or plaid blouses. Stick to solid colors.


Wear clothes that are classic colors only. Colors change every season in women's clothing. While pastels might be in style one spring, earth tones can be in style by fall. Wear conservative and classic colors like black, white, gray and beiges.


Buy things that have neat and straight lines. A short skirt with many pleats may be in and out of style within one year, but a straight pencil skirt can last forever. A well-tailored fitted blazer can last for years for a woman, while a short and boxy jacket will not. Instead of a trendy sweater, go for a classic sweater set.


Keep accessories to a minimum. Don't wear hats, scarves, necklaces, many bracelets or other accessories. Accessories change possibly the fastest in fashion. They can be worn, but wear things like a simple chain necklace or bracelet, a beret or basic glasses.


Have some key, basic items in your closet like an A-line little black dress, plain blue jeans or sweater sets. A well-fit white t-shirt, a trench coat or a crewneck cashmere sweater will last for years.

How to Pick the Right Style Spring Skirts

How to Pick the Right Style Spring Skirts

Picking the right style of skirt for your spring wardrobe should be a matter of taste and consideration. Among the wide variety of ways in which a skirt may be worn, you should pick the one that suits your mood, your personality and your figure the best. Once you've determined how these three factors work together, your shopping day will be a breeze.


Choose an A-line skirt for a crisp spring look. The A-line silhouette falls at an angle from the waist, helping to disguise any imperfections in the hip and rear area.


Pick a full, gathered skirt if you want to show off your narrow waist the right way. Gathered skirts tend to add volume to your hip area, accentuating the waist and torso.


Show off a beautiful fabric when you wear a circle skirt. Cut in one piece from the cloth, the circle skirt will keep any patterns or prints intact and visible.


Get some spring sunshine on your legs when you pull a mini-skirt out of your closet. Minis and micro-minis enjoy comebacks in fashion on a regular basis, so it is worth hanging onto yours from one spring to the next.


Shop for a skort, or skirt and short combination, if you need a sportier look this spring. Perfect for activities such as tennis, golf or just picnicking in the park, the skort gives you the lady-like look of a skirt with the comfort of a pair of shorts.


Hang on to your pencil skirts for work in the spring. If they are made in a light gray wool suiting fabric, they will transition easily into the spring months with a pair of pumps and cheery




Pick a wrap-skirt for your next spring
or party and show a little leg. Made from a length of unsewn fabric, wrap-skirts tie at the side of the waist and are the right style for wearing with spring swimwear for poolside events.


Add the latest skirt style to your wardrobe to stay on the cutting edge of fashion. Usually made in novel shapes, such as the bubble or peplum, these silhouettes enjoy their brief moment in the sun before being consumed by the next big fashion fad.

Tips & Warnings

Update old skirts from last spring by having them professionally altered. Fuller skirts may be brought in for a slimmer line and hems can be easily adjusted, all for the fraction of the cost of a new skirt.

How to Pick the Right Style Spring Shorts

How to Pick the Right Style Spring Shorts

Picking from fashion's variety of styles may seem like a challenge when you first walk into your favorite store at the mall. In the case of shorts for spring, you must decide on a number of factors before you make your purchase. But choosing the right style, length and fabric for your spring wardrobe is easy, once you know what the possibilities are.


Pick the right length for your body. If you have more of a pear-shaped figure, you should try shorts which are long and A-line in shape, such as knit shorts in a gaucho style.


Choose a pair of shorts whose leg width is in proportion to its length. Typically, wide-legged shorts will look better if they are hemmed to the knee or just below.


Keep fabric weight and drape in mind when selecting your spring shorts. A longer pair of shorts should drape gracefully around the body, while more fitted shorts benefit from the use of stiffer materials such as cotton twills and denim.


Select a pair of shorts in a fabric which features comfort fibers such as cotton and linen. As the spring months become warmer, these breathable fibers will help keep you cool and in style all the way through summer.


Try on shorts in a color that is right for you and your skin tone. This means that unless you are sporting a tan early in the spring, very dark and very light colors should be avoided, as they may make you appear washed out and pale.


Keep the print of the fabric in mind as you sort through the variety of styles of shorts available. Smaller novelty prints can make a charmingly preppy statement while loud tropical prints can let you pretend you are vacationing in the islands.


Pick a style of waistband that is both comfortable and fashionable. Drawstring shorts can look casually attractive when worn with ribbed tanks, while button and fly closure shorts with belt loops give you a slightly more put-together look.


Don't pick the latest trend in shorts styles unless you want to reinvest in a new spring wardrobe next year. By selecting shorts in classic styles such as khaki cuffed shorts or capri-length pants, you will outfit your closet with clothes which will never go out of style.

Tips & Warnings

The right shoes can make or break your shorts ensemble. High heel sandals shouldn't be worn with short shorts unless you're going clubbing. For everyday style, wear low-heeled sandals instead.

How to Pick the Right Style of Spring Sandals

How to Pick the Right Style of Spring Sandals

The spring season is one of shedding the heavy stuff and showing off some skin. While clothing is often the most obvious change, let's not forget about the feet. After months of hiding in socks and shoes, feet need a refreshing breath of air. When you pick out a pair of


for springtime, think of giving your feet a fresh new look.


Pick sandals with the right fit. There isn't a single mold that fits everyone. A comfortable sandal should fit the outline of the foot and the location and height of the arch. Getting the right support is necessary to avoid problems with your feet later on.


Look for straps that match the bone structure and shape of your feet. The straps will absorb most of the resistance during walking, so they should not be positioned across protruding bony points on the top of the foot.


Examine the materials closely. For long-lasting sandals, look for leather straps that are heavily secured to the sandal platform. Leather is durable and available dyed in many colors for great looks with any spring outfit.


Pick sandals that complement your personality and lifestyle. Slide sandals with heels and embellishments will perk up any outfit. If you're out for fun activities, consider a pair of leather wrap-around strap sandals. The strap will hold the sandal comfortably in place.


Choose a different pair of sandals for every aspect of your life. Dressy sandals are available for going out to dinner and dancing. Some casual sandals are made just for hiking. Pick the right style to match your daily routine.


Consider the shape of the sandal in comparison with your foot. Sandal toes come in pointed, tapered and rounded designs. Heels for sandals may be square, rounded or cupped. The right style will be comfortable and complement the shape of your foot.


Wash your car or enjoy other outdoor water activities wearing a pair of waterproof sandals this spring. There are many brands and designs available to make your outdoor life easier. Consider those with a flow-through footbed that allows the water to drain out of the shoe as you walk.


Pick up a pair of waterproof sandals to wear around the swimming pool or on the beach. Waterproof sandals can be worn in wet


conditions in a style that is casual, comfortable and dry.

Tips & Warnings

Paint your toenails a bright spring color and embellish your toes with toe rings to draw attention to your pick of sandals.

How to Pick the Right Style Hat for Spring

How to Pick the Right Style Hat for Spring

The right hat can bring vigor to a wardrobe, celebrate the first spring greening and generally lift one's spirits. However, you'll want a hat that isn't just colorful, but that also fits your style, your face and the spring weather in your area. This takes just a little thought, and then you can become one of the best dressed in your neighborhood.

Pick a Style That Suits You


Look at the hats on display in the shops in which you buy most of your clothing. This way, you can easily find the colors and detailing that will coordinate well with what you already own.


Accent casual wardrobes with hats of straw and cotton. If you tend to dress more formally, then look for light wool caps, berets and wide-brimmed straw hats that won't look out of place with your elegant dresses and suits.


Pick the style that will keep up with your daily activities. If you run from tennis to
to charity meetings, an elegant, wide-brimmed hat, trimmed with feathers, is not the right style for you. A hat can be eye catching, but if it won't work with most of your outfits and activities, the right choice is to leave it in the store window.

Choose a Care-Free Fabric


Pick a hat in a fabric that won't wilt or become irreparably damaged by a sudden spring shower. Leave costly silk hats, with velvet embellishments, for summer evenings when you know the hats will be safe from wind and water.


Select one of the hats made for travelers, in fabrics and styles designed to be rolled up into luggage and pockets, coming unrolled to look fresh and crease free. Even if you aren't traveling, you'll have a rugged hat about which you won't need to worry.


Buy a waterproof hat in a spring color, such as pink, mint green or daffodil yellow. This way, you are covered in sun, in wind and during the occasional spring shower. You'll probably enjoy outdoor events more if you know your outfit can stand up to whatever the sky chooses to do.

Tips & Warnings

Any hat can look wonderful in a store, as you are likely to be looking only at your face and the hat, in conditions devoid of wind, rain or other issues. When a hat catches your eye, consider where you will wear it, how often, and whether it complements your wardrobe.

How to Pick the Right Size Purse

How to Pick the Right Size Purse

Many different sizes of purses are available and it can seem overwhelming when you are shopping for one. By knowing how you will be using the bag and what event you need it for, it will make choosing the correct one easier. Learn how to determine the right size purse for any occasion.


Choose a smaller size


for evening or special occasions. For these outings you will only need to carry around a few items, such as your ID, money and makeup. Bringing a small clutch to parties or
will save you from hanging a burdensome purse on your shoulder all night.


Opt for a medium sized purse for your everyday bag. This everyday purse should be big enough for your wallet, keys, cell phone and other daily objects while still leaving some space for unexpected items. Make sure you do not buy one that is too large, though, or it will end up filled with unnecessary objects.


Pick a large purse for bringing to the office or for a day trip. This handbag should be big enough to hold your day planner, paperwork/magazines or even your lunch. This size is also great to use for a diaper bag or to pack a few snacks for the kids while on the go.


Select an oversized bag or tote for overnight stays or even a day at the beach. This bag will be your go-to bag when you need to bring a few clothes and some toiletries. You should also be able to fit your camera, some reading material and even some refreshments for the day.

Tips & Warnings

Coordinate your purse with your outfit's color and style.

Make sure your handbag isn't too heavy, since many women suffer from shoulder pain due to this cause.