How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally
Looking for natural ways to lower your blood pressure without taking a bunch of pills? Read on for the top methods of reducing your blood pressure naturally and without medical treatment.
Things You'll Need:
A lot of willpower and a desire to succeed.
Stop Smoking:
We all know the dangerous diseases and cancers smoking can cause. Did you know that smoking also does a lot to raise your blood pressure? Put down the cigarettes and expect to see a much longer life-span with a much lower BP.
Lose Weight:
Being overweight puts you at risk in a lot of ways and has a direct link to high blood pressure. Don't go on any crazy diets in an attempt to lose a lot of weight quickly. Cut a few hundred calories from your daily intake to lose weight and lower your blood pressure naturally and over time.
Lower Your Sodium Intake:
Another quick way to lower your blood pressure is to cut back on your salt intake. Stay away from foods like packaged and/or frozen dinners, and canned soups.
Change Up Your Diet:
Take it easy on the amount of meat you consume. The recommended portion of meat for a meal is about 3 oz. (the size of a deck of cards), which may not seem practical. eat more fruits, vegetables and low/fat-free dairy products. Then commit to having a meal or two a week with no meat whatsoever.
Cut Back On Alcohol:
If you drink every day or nearly every day, limit yourself to just a beer or two. If your drink only once a week, try not to drink yourself silly. The more frequently you drink and the more alcohol you drink when you do can have a powerful impact on your overall blood pressure.
Work Out:
Of all the natural ways you can lower your blood pressure naturally, this takes the most effort. It also has one of the biggest overall impacts on lowering your blood pressure and reducing other heart related diseases. If you don't already work out, please see your physician for the go ahead, then ease yourself into an aerobic workout program.
Tips & Warnings
Go easy with your lifestyle changes. Diving right into a new regimen with intentions to fix the problem overnight can do more harm than good.
The above tips are proven, natural ways to lower your blood pressure and increase your overall health. Still, if you have any special medical needs or have any questions about embarking upon a new program designed to lower your blood pressure naturally or otherwise, you should first consult your physician.
Looking for natural ways to lower your blood pressure without taking a bunch of pills? Read on for the top methods of reducing your blood pressure naturally and without medical treatment.
Things You'll Need:
A lot of willpower and a desire to succeed.
Stop Smoking:
We all know the dangerous diseases and cancers smoking can cause. Did you know that smoking also does a lot to raise your blood pressure? Put down the cigarettes and expect to see a much longer life-span with a much lower BP.
Lose Weight:
Being overweight puts you at risk in a lot of ways and has a direct link to high blood pressure. Don't go on any crazy diets in an attempt to lose a lot of weight quickly. Cut a few hundred calories from your daily intake to lose weight and lower your blood pressure naturally and over time.
Lower Your Sodium Intake:
Another quick way to lower your blood pressure is to cut back on your salt intake. Stay away from foods like packaged and/or frozen dinners, and canned soups.
Change Up Your Diet:
Take it easy on the amount of meat you consume. The recommended portion of meat for a meal is about 3 oz. (the size of a deck of cards), which may not seem practical. eat more fruits, vegetables and low/fat-free dairy products. Then commit to having a meal or two a week with no meat whatsoever.
Cut Back On Alcohol:
If you drink every day or nearly every day, limit yourself to just a beer or two. If your drink only once a week, try not to drink yourself silly. The more frequently you drink and the more alcohol you drink when you do can have a powerful impact on your overall blood pressure.
Work Out:
Of all the natural ways you can lower your blood pressure naturally, this takes the most effort. It also has one of the biggest overall impacts on lowering your blood pressure and reducing other heart related diseases. If you don't already work out, please see your physician for the go ahead, then ease yourself into an aerobic workout program.
Tips & Warnings
Go easy with your lifestyle changes. Diving right into a new regimen with intentions to fix the problem overnight can do more harm than good.
The above tips are proven, natural ways to lower your blood pressure and increase your overall health. Still, if you have any special medical needs or have any questions about embarking upon a new program designed to lower your blood pressure naturally or otherwise, you should first consult your physician.